Friday, March 21, 2008


It has been a long time seens i updated my blog....Not that i did not want to but just din't have the mood to do so...anyways since i have the mood now ill just update u poeple briefly on what happened for the past few days... my spm results last wednesday and was not happy all with it.
2.found out that people who you think are really nice eventually turns out to be the total opposite.
3.started preparing for my trials and AS exam.(at least i think i am) enlightened that i will eventually have more guy best friends than girl best friend. i thought was home has a whole new vibe now.*not a good thing*
6.went for my driving lesson and got hit by two cars.*not my fault*
7.started think what would it be like if i had actually done things differently.*sob sob*
8.realise that you can never trust someone tooooo much.*u'll end up getting hurt*
9.learned that no matter how close you are to a friend they are bound to leave you and go.*well not all of them* hit me that no one exspecially me will never appriciate the things that we have till it is gone and we can never get it back.

After all that happened me and my friends both college and tfa still had the mood to do what we do best....

Well not all the pics were taken within the week but it was still taken right...

Monday, March 3, 2008


This post is all about SEAFOOD...Let them get the spotlight for once :)....Let the pictures do all the talking....

P.S These are found in BALI HAI,Gurney Drive.
WARNING!!!!!!the $$$ is "WOAH!!!" = o

k gtg..bye